هناك شركات تقوم بنشر لينكات الشركات والتى ينتهى اللينك بالجزء الاخير منه باليوزر نيم الخاص بك ببرامج تباع وبمبالغ عاليه من الدولارات.
الآن شركة TABZI تعرض عليك نشر جميع لينكاتك ونشر الويب سايت الخاصبك واى ويب سيت ووتعرض عيك ريفرالز وكل ذلك مجانا وتنشرها على جمبع شبكاتها والمواقع العالميه الكبيره مثل تويتر آلاف المرات يوميا وهناك جوائز أيضا وذلك فى مقابل كل 3 لينكات أو مواقع ينشروها يقومون بنشرها لك ، فى المقابل ان يرسلوا على اميلك عدد 9 لينكات أو مواقع مجرد ان تقوم بفتحها وقرائتها أأأو تصفحها ويعطوك نقاطا على ذلك تتحول آخر كل شهر الى دولارات وكل شخص يلتحق عى اللينك اخاص بك وهى فى مرحلة ما قبل الأنطلاق والمشتركين الاوائل لهم وضع خاص وهوموقع لجنى الارباح أيضا
إ شترك الان واحجزمكان متقدم لتجنى أكبر ربح ممكن وهى فرصه عظيمه لمن لا يعرف كيف ينشر الروبط الخاصه بشركاته و بطريقه سهله ومن غير تعب
توكل على الله :
http://www.tabzi.com/captchino1992وهذا بنر للشركه بعد أاااذن إدارة المنتدى
http://www.tabzi.com/images/banners/banner_468x60_1.pngوهنا ستجد 10 طرق لجنى وربح المال تنتهجها الشركه المساعدة أااااااعضائها فى كسب مزيد من العموله والمال وزياده الريفيرالز خاصتك ...إقرأ بهدؤ ورويه وهذه الطرق هى كمايلى:
Earning commission
Not only is Tabzi an amazing tool for anyone that wants to advertise online,
we also give you the opportunity to earn CASH!
We give you 10 amazing easy ways to earn
that we've broken down into 3 main categories,
prizes, viral and direct referrals.
1 - Spot Payments
As you use Tabzi you'll notice random spot payments. It could be you've viewed a website, followed a member, clicked on a banner, whatever the action we'll put random payments in place for you to find.
2 - Lotto
Turn your credits into cash. The lotto pot is your opportunity to get a chance to win the lotto pot. The lotto pot is made up of credits and cash prizes. The prizes vary and will be displayed on the website in the lotto pot. To enter the draw all you need to do exchange your credits for tickets in the draw. One credit will buy you one ticket in the draw.
3 - Top surfer
Every day we'll pay a cash prize to the member that views the most websites on Tabzi, that's an average of 30 cash prizes every single month. While other companies offer cash prizes every now and again on a special offer, we're different, it's part of what we do!
4 - Top surfer draw
Get in the top twenty surfer league each day and we'll pick one of the top 20 and they'll win a cash prize!
5 - Top Referrer Prize
Every month we'll pay $100 to the member that has directly referred the most paying members for that month. All you need to do is refer as many people as you can and we'll make sure we offer and encourage them to upgrade their Tabzi account.
6 - Spillover Downline Bonus
Even if you don't directly refer anyone, you can still earn money from spillover. Spillover occurs whenever someone in your upline has referred more than 2 members. The extra members are placed in your downline and when they upgrade, you earn money!
7 - Viral Spillover Downline Bonus
Viral Spillover occurs whenever a spillover member is placed in your downline and they then refer paying members. You'll earn commission from these members who are placed in your downline. Not only were you given the original spillover, but now you're earning money for their hard work!
Direct Referrals
8 - Direct Referrer Bonus
Every single time you refer someone to Tabzi and that person upgrades their account, you will receive a commission payment. In fact you'll receive a commission payment every month they stay upgraded!
9 - Downline Bonus
In addition to the referral bonuses, we'll also pay you a downline bonus. For every single upgraded member you refer in your downline we'll pay you a recurring monthly commission.
10 - Viral Downline Bonus
Not only are you being paid for all your hardwork referring members, you'll also get a downline bonus for all the members in your downline that your referrals refer!
Examples of what you can earn
Example commission
Per month, every month.
Amount of prizes
Amount of spillover
Number of your direct referrals
Average number of direct referrals from your referrals
Calculate commission
Bonus Value of bonus Number of bonuses Total bonus value
Spot Payments $10.00
Lotto $0.00
Top surfer $20.00
Top surfer draw $10.00
Top Referrer Prize $0.00
Spillover Downline Bonus 2% 1,000 $399.80
Viral Spillover Downline Bonus 2% 3,000 $1,199.40
Direct Referrer Bonus 20% 10 $39.98
Downline Bonus 2% 10 $4.00
Viral Downline Bonus 2% 30 $11.99
TOTAL $1,695.17
Per month, every month.
Earnings based on a Platinum member and members upgrading to Pro at $19.99.
The figures here are purely an example of what you can earn, actual figures depend on the activity and results of you and other members.